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VisionEx Publicity

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction:

At VisionEx Publicity, we prioritize the protection of our users' privacy. This document details the methods by which we gather, utilize, and secure your personal information.

2. Information We Collect:

Personal Identification: This includes names, contact information, and other identifiable data.

Transactional Data: Information related to transactions made through our platforms.

Device Information: Data such as IP addresses, browser types, and device specifications.

3. How We Use Your Information:

The data we collect is used for:

Service Provision: Facilitating Bulk SMS, E-Mail, WhatsApp, and digital marketing services.

Personalization: Customizing our services according to user preferences.

Communication: Sending updates, promotional materials, and essential notifications.

4. Data Security:

Encryption: We implement industry-standard encryption methods to safeguard data during transmission.

Access Controls: Access to personal information is limited within our organization.

5. Third-Party Disclosure:

Service Providers: We may share information with reliable third-party service providers to enhance our services.

Legal Compliance: Data may be disclosed to meet legal requirements.

6. Cookies and Tracking:

Usage Tracking: We employ cookies and tracking technologies to monitor user behavior and enhance our services.

Opt-out Options: Users can adjust cookie preferences via their browser settings.

7. User Rights:

Access and Correction: Users have the right to request access to and correction of their personal information.

Data Deletion: Users may request the deletion of their data.

8. Marketing Communication:

Users can opt-out of marketing communications through the mechanisms provided.

9. Changes to Privacy Policy:

We retain the right to modify our privacy policy. Users will be informed of any significant changes.

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